HELL-OOOO PEOPLE! Try as I might to keep up with all of my stuff, this translation I am currently doing has been riding me like a Death Knight straight out of Hell AND I spent most of today loading and unloading around a 100 kg of various animal foodstuff for my unrepentant, animal-loving mother, as well as hunting all over the floor walls AND ceiling for 4 unruly kittens, who have to be transported from their current location to another locale, due to the vacation arrangements of August (i.e. I remain right here where it will be quiet and I send the rest of the family off to an island - yay!). But I digress (a lot).
Tonight is the JMCM and it's a total mayhem of preparations and arrangements for all of the Ordre de Ciel team, my guest self included, as well as for unstoppable Kyoshiro. Well, we will have all the time in the world to talk about it with those of you who will be there and discuss it over the report with the rest (AND in August I will be free - free, FREE, ahem - from much of the stuff that is otherwise chewing off my time and THAT report will be on schedule). Meanwhile, I believe it is high time we finish off the much-too-dragged-out X Tribute Revisited report, to make room for the upcoming coolness.
So relax, grab a Midori Sour and enjoy the show...

in fact, grabbing Hide's butt (though it
DOES certainly seem that way...!)
some barbed wire...!"

I know the whole thing with lighting the way
down the path of your life is important but this is
plain exaggeration!

mind! Backside -- err...Darkside_Blues
certainly doesn't. Well, not much anyway...!

...and, saving best for last...
Raven's Sugizo Power Mode!
Raven's Sugizo Power Mode!

As I said in the first part, people ought to bend and stretch like this only in Carpenter movies. Way to go Raven-chan!!! With that, THIS huge photo-report is done and over with. See you all tonight (I'd better, y' hear???) at the JMCM and back at Otaku Lense with the second post on Unshin.
Cheers, mes amis
P.S. If so inclined, you MIGHT want to check THESE videos on our YouTube Channel. They are very - kukukuku - entertaining...